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Genesis 45:1-28 | Genesis_46:1-7 | Genesis 46:28-28

1. And Israel took his journey with all that he had, and came to Beer-sheba, and offered sacrifices unto the Elohim of his father Isaac.
2. And Elohim spake unto Israel in the visions of the night, and said, Jacob, Jacob. And he said, Here I.
3. And he said, I Elohim, the Elohim of thy father: fear not to go down into Egypt; for I will there make of thee a great nation:
4. I will go down with thee into Egypt; and I will also surely bring thee up: and Joseph shall put his hand upon thine eyes.
5. And Jacob rose up from Beer-sheba: and the sons of Israel carried Jacob their father, and their little ones, and their wives, in the wagons which Pharaoh had sent to carry him.
6. And they took their cattle, and their goods, which they had gotten in the land of Canaan, and came into Egypt, Jacob, and all his seed with him:
7. His sons, and his sons' sons with him, his daughters, and his sons' daughters, and all his seed brought he with him into Egypt.